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  SKOT – a Polish-Czechoslovak armoured personnel carrier      SKOT (Czech Střední Kolový Obrněný Transportér) was a wheeled armoured personnel carrier of Polish-Czechoslovak production in the 8×8 configuration. In service in The Polish Army since 1964. There were a 2,500 units produced. The design became the basis for specialized versions, including: engineering, technical support, mobile ambulance and command vehicle. In the original version build in 1961, the SKOT was unarmed. The armament was implemented in the next development version. The next SKOT-1A model was armed with MG in an open shooting position, covered only with a protective shield. SKOT-2A version had a new full close turret with a MG taken from the Soviet BTR-60 transporter. In the course of further modernization, the designers of the Military University of Technology created a new type of turret with an increased account of the GWM lift, the resulting version was designated SKOT-2AP. Technical data of the SKOT-2A/
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  Atf-TI -   A mobile communication centre for the field command posts       Atf-TI unit-control system was a communication centre for a long-distance communication devices. The construction was build   was mounted on the chassis of   a polish build STAR-66 truck. Designed to delivered a long-range communication between field command posts. Also used to ensure communication between telephone subscribers in a secret communication system. The system was most effectiveness as stationary. In move it only enables the communication with the radio-wire communication system. Source:   WBH-CAW, 010989, Aparatownia ATf-TI. opis Techniczny i eksploatacja. Warszawa 1977. Autor: Kamil Anduła
  A long-range unit-control K-4 – in service of The Polish People's Army .         K-4 was a long-range radio unit-control, consisted of ultra-short-wave radiotelephony and radio equipment, as well as a telephone and a telegraph. The unit was mounted on the chassis of   a polish build STAR-66 truck. The unit carried the radiotelephony and radio communication with other units-controls the same type or with the units having the same equipment. The K-4 could work in move as well as stationary. The K-4 systems were used by The Polish People’s Army in the headquarters of the division at the command points. Were also used as an auxiliary unit in the commands of the army and fronts. Technical data: Radio range – 40 km stationary or 10 km in move. Source:   WBH-CAW, 04884, Instrukcja łączności. Centrala radiowa dalekosiężna K-4, 1966. Autor: Kamil Anduła
  3M6 Shmel – The first anti-tank guided missile of The Polish People's Army .         3M6 Shmel („ Bumblebee” ) – anti-tank guided missile design in Soviet Union in 1955. Development of the missile proceeded rapidly, with the first unguided flights in April 1958 followed by controlled flights in June and July 1958. On 28 August 1959, the new technology was shown to the command of armed forces. On 1 August 1960, it was accepted into the service. It was first publicly displayed in 1963. The construction based at the cylindrical corps with four triangle stabilizers and the anti-tank warhead. Guided by the wire and control panel. There was also a training version of the missile - a reusable version with a parachute placed in the warhead (after hitting the cardboard target, the projectile fell on the parachute). There were two ground-based platforms for the missile. 2P26 Based on the unarmored GAZ-69 light truck - with four backward pointing launch rails. The control station can b
  PTG - amphibious transport vehicle of The Polish People's Army .         PTG ( pływający transporter gąsienicowy ) K-61 – amphibious transport vehicle build in Soviet Union at the end of 40’. In service since 1950. Since mid-50’ in service in armoured and engineering forces of   The Polish People's Army. The vehicle could take 40 soldiers with weapons on board. Most often used for the transport of 85- 100- 152- mm guns, trucks, supplies or other stuff. Technical data: crew – 2 people; weight – 9.5 tons; engine – 135 hp; speed on the road – 36 km/h, in water –10 km/h; payload – 3 tons on the ground or 5 tons in water. fot. Source:   T. Szczerbicki, Pojazdy Ludowego Wojska Polskiego , Warszawa 2014, p. 503-506; J. Magnuski, Wozy bojowe LWP 1943-1983 , Warszawa 1985, p. 332.   Autor: Kamil Anduła
  Pułkownik Czesław Podgórski – historyk w mundurze       Podgórski Czesław, ur. 30 V 1923 r. w m. Przemieście Lubelskie, zm 14 I 1999 r. w Warszawie, W czasie niemiecki okupacji robotnik w Zamościu. Od 25 VII do 27 VIII 1944 r. funkcjonariusz MO. Członek PPR, następnie PZPR. Do LWP powołany z urzędu. Od 28 VIII 1944 do 25 IV 1945 r. podchorąży 1. Szkoły Podchorążych Artylerii w Chełmie. Od 25 IV 1945 do 7 VII 1945 r. zastępca dowódcy baterii ds. polityczno-wychowawczych 31. pułku artylerii przeciwpancernej 11. Brygady Artylerii Przeciwpancernej, a od 7 VII 1945 do 10 IV 1946 r. na tym samym stanowisku w 41. pułku artylerii lekkiej 12. DP. Od 1 V 1946 do 4 VI 1946 r. na kursie doszkalającym oficerów polityczno-wychowawczych. Od 4 VI 1946 do 1 I 1948 r. słuchacz Wyższej Szkoły Oficerów Polityczno-Wychowawczych w Rembertowie. Od 1 I 1948 do 15 IX 1950 r. starszy instruktor w Oddziale IV GZPW (od 1 IV 1950 r. w GZP). Od 15 IX 1950 do 4 X 1951 r. zastępca komendanta ds. politycznyc
  Pułkownik Kazimierz Sobczak - historyk Ludowego Wojska Polskiego  Płk Sobczak Kazimierz   –   ur. 14 II 1923 r. w m. Winnagóra, zm. 2004 r. w Warszawie. Od 15 V 1945 r. członek PPR, następnie w PZPR. Do LWP powołany z urzędu. Od 12 VI do 26 VI 1945 r. strzelec 6. zapasowego pp. Od 27 VI do 14 X 1945 r. marynarz 1. pułku szkolnego Marynarki Wojennej. Od 15 X 1945 do 15 III 1946 r. elew Szkoły Specjalistów Marynarki w Gdańsku-Nowym Porcie. Od 16 III 1946 do 28 VIII 1946 r. sternik na ORP „Czajka” i ORP „Kania” dyonu trawlerów. Od 29 VIII 1946 do 9 I 1949 r. podchorąży Oficerskiej Szkoły Polityczno-Wychowawczej w Łodzi. Od 10 I 1949 r. do 1 II 1950 r. wykładowca cyklu polityczno-wychowawczego i wyszkolenia ogólnego w Oficerskiej Szkole Broni Pancernej w Poznaniu, a od 2 II 1950 do 26 I 1951 r. sekretarz POP batalionu szkolnego tamże. Od 27 I do 5 X 1951 r. zastępca dowódcy pułku ds. politycznych 2. pułku czołgów 10. Dywizji Zmechanizowanej. Od 6 X 1951 do 18 VIII 1954 r. słuchacz WAP. O